Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gainesville, Florida

GAINESVILLE, FL @ Common Grounds 11/20/09

I had the best day. Woke up, went for a walk, got some coffee then went with Jon Gaunt and Digger Barnes on an adventure.

We went to Boca Fiesta and got probably the best breakfast burrito I've ever had... except for Astro Burger in LA. I'm sorry, but at Astro Burger they shred the potatoes which makes for a crispier texture and I'm partial to a nice crunch. :) After that, we went to Las Margaritas for the best taco salad ever. The shell... mmmmmmmm....

Jon took us thru all the back roads and I fell in love with spanish moss; it hangs on all the trees like some kind of Dr. Seuss weeping willow and its smokey, gray, color is so beautiful next to the green trees. Oh, spanish moss! You are grace.

After taco salad, we stopped at a tiny bar called The Barn. We drank mason jars of Bud Light and listened to old country on the juke box. George Jones, "Old King Kong" and Patsy Cline and Garth Brooks. Across the street from The Barn is this really cool pizza place with a little junk/toy store. I got a t-shirt and a magnet.

So, then we went back to Jonny Gaunt's to shower and chill. We hung out and played horse shoes, which I SUCK at! One of the dogs could catch a frisby like it was nothin' and we had a good ole time.

Then there was the show... The crowd was SO WONDERFUL! They even danced. I wish people danced more at concerts instead of just beating the crap out of each other or standing around with blank looks on their faces. Seeing people dance makes me so happy. I'm asking Santa for more dancing, this Christmas. Anyway, the show was the bomb.

Only two more to go; Tonight and tomorrow. Man, I can't think about that right now. Too many emotions.

Tonight, we're in St. Petersburg, FL at The State Theatre. Right now, we're watching Tom Petty on DVD. I want to go to there. :)

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